Details of the aid
Recipients: Young people up to 36 years of age (included) that come from the 2022 call for proposals and that could not be estimated due to the exhaustion of the corresponding budget line.
Family income limit: Up to 2.97 times the IRSC.
Maximum monthly rent: Up to 950€ for dwellings; and up to 450€ for bedrooms.
Administration granting the subsidy: Catalonia Housing Agency.
Rental aid for young people
The Housing Agency of Catalonia grants these subsidies to all those young people up to 36 years of age (included) who require assistance for the payment of rent or price of the transfer of use of housing or rooms, and that could not be estimated in 2022 because of the exhaustion of the corresponding budget line.
All applicants will be notified of their ex officio inclusion in the present call and will be granted 15 working days to provide the corresponding documentation, detailed at the bottom of the page. The affected persons do not need to reapply for the call for applications. To reapply for assistance, they only have to submit all the rent receipts for housing or room for 2022 (from January to December).
You can find more information about this aid on the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Do you want to know how to apply?
In these drop-downs, you can find the requirements and the steps to follow to apply for this aid. Preferably, you can apply through the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya, or in person at the exchanges that are part of the Mediation Network for Social Renting, at local housing offices, at the offices of the Catalonia Housing Agency, and at the headquarters of the entity that owns or manages the housing.
Persons who submitted applications in the 2022 call that could not be estimated due to exhaustion of the budget item. Only people who were denied due to exhaustion of the budget item of subsidies for the payment of rent for young people in 2022 can benefit from this call. You can find out if you are one of the people affected by consulting this list. In addition, the Catalonia Housing Agency will notify you by e-mail.
- To have presented the application for Subsidies for the payment of rent or price of the transfer of housing or room for young people, as summoned by Resolution DSO/2837/2022, of September 16, and to have the denial resolution for the exhaustion of the corresponding budget item.
The documentation required to be submitted is:
- All corresponding rental or assignment receipts in 2022 paid. The presentation of these receipts implies the acceptance to participate in the present call.
- In case of opposition, they may submit a written statement of disagreement.
This documentation can be submitted:
- Electronically, through the web of procedures of the Generalitat de Cataluña (https://habitatge.gencat.cat/rebuts). Identification with mobile idCAT will be required.
- At the stock exchanges that are part of the Mediation Network for Social Renting or at the local housing offices, which collaborate through an agreement with the Agency. If there is neither an exchange nor a housing office in a given territorial area, applications can be submitted at the offices of the Agency's services in each demarcation.
- At the headquarters of the entity that owns or manages the housing, in the case of tenants of housing managed by public administrations or companies.
- At the Catalonia Housing Agency, by the means established in article 25 of Law 26/2010, of August 3, and article 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.
Once the documentation provided in the first paragraph has been submitted, the corresponding resolution will be issued. In the case of a lack of opposition to participate in this call, the granting of the subsidy for the monthly rent or assignment price corresponding to the fiscal year 2022 duly justified shall be resolved.
Amount and application period
The subsidy is granted for the year of the call. For persons holding rental contracts signed between January 1 of the year of the call and the date on which the deadline for submitting applications ends, the amount of the subsidy will be the amount corresponding to the monthly payments included between the month following the effective date of the contract presented at the time of making the application and the month of December of the year of the call, with a maximum monthly amount of 250 euros and a minimum monthly amount of 20 euros.
The documentation to be provided must be submitted within 15 working days until March 20, 2023. The call is currently closed.
These subsidies are incompatible with the receipt of other aid from any public administration or public or private entities for the same monthly payments in the same year and the same purpose. The total sum of the amounts to be received in the case of compatible subsidies in the same calendar year cannot exceed 4,500 euros.
They are also incompatible with the benefits and/or aid for the payment of the rent object of calls of the Barcelona Housing Consortium.