Beneficiaries: People who are owners of a property on the free market, which they make available to the Barcelona Rental Housing Stock.
Maximum amount of the grant: €20,000
Administration that awards the benefit: Barcelona Housing Consortium
Renovate your apartment thanks to the Barcelona Rental Housing Stock
Make the most of the advantages provided by the Barcelona Rental Housing Stock. Rent your apartment with the City Council and enjoy a grant to renovate the property of up to 100% of the amount of the works, up to a maximum of 20,000 euros.
The following actions are subsidised:
- Obtaining the habitability certificate
- Adaptation of the interior installations of the property and improve the habitability
- Adaptation of the interior furnishings of the property
- Energy and sustainability improvements
To carry out this process, it is necessary to make an appointment with the personalised service “Housing Calls You”. Staff will advise you over the phone about all the available processing options without the need to visit an office in person. If you can only do it in person, you will be given an appointment to be seen at any of the Barcelona Housing Offices.
What do you need to know to apply for this aid?
In these drop-down menus you can find the requirements and steps to follow to request this aid.
The beneficiaries of these subsidies may be natural or legal persons who own a property in the open market which they put at the disposal of the Barcelona Rental Housing Exchange or of the transfer programmes (Emergency Board or Primer la Llar) and who present the documentation described in Annex 4, which must refer to actions in dwellings which can be used to formalise a rental contract within the framework of the Barcelona Rental Housing Exchange or the Barcelona Emergency Board or the Primer la Llar programme of the Barcelona City Council.
Members of a group of natural or legal persons, public or private, without legal personality, who are owners of a property on the open market and who make it available to the Barcelona Rental Exchange, the Barcelona Emergency Board or the Primer la Llar programme of the Barcelona City Council, may also be beneficiaries, provided that they meet the requirements set out in the previous paragraph.
Likewise, homeowners who have started work before submitting the application for registration provided for in Article 31 of the Regulatory Bases, as well as persons who have submitted their applications within the framework of previous calls and who have not been resolved at the time of the publication of this call, may benefit from these grants.
The beneficiaries must meet the following requirements:
- Applications submitted by interested parties must be processed by the Department of Dignified Use of Housing.
- Dwellings that have been used for tourist purposes and that are included in the Barcelona Social Rental Housing Stock as a result of an agreement with the Barcelona City Council to reduce a fine imposed as a result of the use of the property for tourist purposes or other types of unauthorised infringement cannot be eligible for these grants.
- Similarly, legal entities that, by virtue of other overriding regulations, are obliged to offer a rental contract or any other public law obligation based on the general interest to the occupants of a dwelling that is at risk of being lost, cannot be eligible.
- The works carried out in the dwellings included in the Barcelona Rental Housing Pool or in the transfer programmes (Emergency Board or Primer la Llar) must be aimed at adapting and improving their habitability.
- For houses included in the Barcelona Rental Housing Stock, provided that the rental contract signed has a duration of one year, renewable up to five years in the case of properties owned by individuals, and one year renewable up to seven years in the case of properties owned by legal entities, the subsidy will be 100% of the cost of the project, up to a maximum of €20,000 per house (including VAT). The minimum eligible amount is €500.
- In the event that the aforementioned rental contract is terminated at the request of the tenant during the first three years, the beneficiary of the subsidy must formalise a new rental contract, with the mediation of the Barcelona Rental Stock, for a minimum period of one year, renewable up to five years in the case of properties owned by individuals and one year renewable up to seven years in the case of properties owned by legal entities, or else proceed to return the subsidy received for the renovation works.
- In the event that the above-mentioned rental contract is terminated at the request of the owner, due to the need for the dwelling for personal use, before the expiry of the five-year contract in the case of natural persons, or before the expiry of the seven-year contract in the case of legal persons, a file will be opened for the cancellation of the subsidy and the beneficiary of the subsidy will be required to return the proportionate part of the subsidy.
- In the case of dwellings included in the transfer programmes (Emergency Board or Primer la Llar), the grant will be conditional on the dwellings being transferred to the managing body for a minimum period of three years and will cover 100% of the cost of the action, up to a maximum of €20,000 per dwelling (including VAT). The minimum eligible amount is €500.
- For both the exchange and transfer programmes, these grants may be used for dwellings that have started work before submitting the application for registration, as well as for those that have carried out the work in the twelve months prior to registration, with proof of execution through the relevant invoices.
- In any case, the granting and subsequent payment of these subsidies will be subject to the agreement of the inclusion of the dwellings in the Barcelona Rental Exchange and the subsequent signing of a rental contract for a period of five years in the case of properties owned by individuals and seven years in the case of properties owned by legal entities, and for a minimum period of three years in the case of the transfer of the dwellings to the managing entity, to be formalised once the favourable report on the completion of the works has been issued.
- Exceptionally, if the beneficiaries agree to receive the subsidy, payment may be made if, within three months of the certificate of completion of the works and the submission of the application for payment of the subsidy, the rental contract is not formalised for reasons beyond the control of the beneficiaries.
- If the rental agreement is not formalised within six months of the notification of the subsidy decision for reasons attributable to the beneficiaries, the Consortium may agree to withdraw the subsidy and demand its repayment.
1. In the application for registration and technical report:
- Standardised application form for registration and technical report (Form 1h).
Applicant’s accreditation:
- Spanish identity document, Spanish foreigner’s identity document or tax code of the person signed the application.
- Documentation accrediting the representation of the entity or person in whose name they act.
Property accreditation:
- Updated informative extract from the corresponding Property Registry for the properties referenced in the application, as well as the legal titles that certify the legitimate occupation of the property that is proposed to be included in this aid program.
- ID card, tax ID number or foreigner identification number (NIE) of each owner.
- Appointment, if necessary, of a representative of the owners for the purpose of processing the application (standardized form).
Statement of responsibility (Form D):
Statement of responsibility, in a standardized form, which includes detailed information on whether the promoter of the works:
- Is up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
- Does not meet any of the circumstances provided for in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, on general subsidies.
- Has requested or received other aid for the same project, indicating the amount of aid requested or, where appropriate, obtained.
- Taxes that burden the cost of executing the works can be deducted (VAT).
- Has obtained permission for the works.
Documentation for transfer of renovation grant (Endorsement form):
In case the owner of the property and beneficiary of the renovation grant endorses its payment to a third party, it must be documented using the standardized form, which must include the applicant of the renovation grant as the endorser and the endorsee who will receive the amount of the renovation grant.
Technical documentation:
- The application for the building permit, obtaining the permit, the project, as well as the payment of the permit fees will be checked automatically. The budget declared for calculating the tax must coincide with the execution price and materials of the company carrying out the works. This amount will be a limiting factor in the calculation of the grants, in accordance with the criteria established in Articles 8 and 19.4 of the Guidelines.
- In case the work does not require a project or a permit, the following must be attached:
- Technical report, with a description of the work to be carried out and additional technical documentation according to the type of action for which the grants are requested.
- In the case of actions for the adaptation of installation networks that do not require a permit or notice of works, the submission of the budget from the company indicated in section C below, descriptive documentation of the installation, and a descriptive sketch of the common areas affected by the passage or elimination of the installations will be sufficient.
- Budget from the company carrying out the works, properly broken down for each item, as well as the expected technical fees. For the small contract, the submission of three bids and a written explanation from the president, secretary, or administrator about the accepted budget is required.
2. Upon starting the works:
- Notice of commencement of works and request for aid in accordance with the standardized model (form 2):
- The notice of commencement of works according to the standardized model must be provided. The notice of commencement of works must necessarily be submitted after obtaining the technical report.
- The building permit must be valid throughout the entire execution of the works. The Consortium will require the applicant to provide proof of completion upon the expiration of the deadline indicated in the building permit. In case of failure to respond to the requirement in a timely manner, it will be understood that the applicant withdraws the application and the file will be archived, subject to the corresponding resolution.
- If the applicant for the grant has endorsed it to the industrial or contractor responsible for the work, and the latter has deducted it from the contributions payable by the applicant, the corresponding endorsement document must be provided.
3. Upon finishing the works:
- Notice of completion of works and request for payment of the grant (form 3):
- According to the standardized model, the notice of completion of works must be provided and original and copy of all duly issued invoices and receipts justifying the expenses incurred must be attached. The assignment of the grant in favor of the contractor will have the same effects as a receipt.
- The invoices and receipts submitted with the notice of completion of works will be the only ones taken into account in the calculation of the grant.
- As proof of the protected budget, any of the following documents may be provided, in addition to invoices: Receipts For cases of deferred payments that fall due after the deadline for justification set out in Article 43 of the regulatory bases:
- Receipts
- For cases of deferred payments that fall due after the deadline for justification set out in Article 43 of the regulatory bases:
- 1. Bank check, justifying the acknowledgment of receipt by the supplier accepting it as a form of payment.
- 2. Promissory note, attaching the acknowledgment of receipt by the supplier accepting it as a form of payment.
- 3. Accepted bill of exchange.
- 4. Confirmed irrevocable letter of credit or irrevocable documentary credit.
- Bank domiciliation document. This document can only be submitted together with the payment request. If a bank domiciliation document has been submitted before, submission of this document (form €) will be requested again.
- Certificate of completion of works issued by the competent technician.
The Barcelona Housing Consortium may request any additional documentation to expand its knowledge of the documentation submitted.
More information
- Application for registration and technical report 2025 (CAT)
- Declaration of responsibility 2025 (CAT)
- Summary of the cost of the work to be carried out according to the budgets provided for each type of work 2025 (CAT)
- Notice of commencement of works and application for rehabilitation aid for interior... 2025 (CAT)
- Notice of completion of works and request for payment 2025 (CAT)
- Endorsement document 2025 (CAT)
- Bank details form for payment of creditors 2025 (CAT)
- List of invoices/Documentation submitted for the cost of the work carried out 2025 (CAT)
Amount and term of the application
Amount: The grant will cover 100% of the cost of the project, up to a maximum of €20,000 per dwelling (including VAT). The minimum grant amount will be €500. The grant will be paid by bank transfer, to the bank account indicated in the bank details form.
Deadline: The deadline for submitting grant applications as provided for in Article 37.1 of the regulatory bases is from 26 February 2025 to 28 November 2025.
More information
Further information can be found on the website of the Virtual Procedures Office.