You will find information here on all topics relating to housing in Barcelona
Major construction work permit
A qualified technical expert must be contracted to draft the project and supervise the work. Once the project has been examined and approved, and with a document certifying that the technical expert will be responsible for carrying out the work, the major construction work permit can be applied for.
Maximum income
In order to qualify for the adjudication of social housing, you must earn less than the maximum income limits established in the regulations. The income of a dwelling unit corresponds to the sum of the incomes received by all the people in the dwelling unit. Consult the income table for Barcelona.
Member of a co-operative
Membership defines the status of a co-operative, although any person who needs housing can be a member (adult or minor with representation). In the case of social housing, member admission must be adapted to legal requirements.
This is no longer an official index, which is why it is hardly ever used. It mostly affects operations that were contracted a long time ago.
Minimum interprofessional salary
This is set every year by central government. In theory, it is the minimum wage you need to live and, therefore, what everyone should be able to earn.
Minor construction work permit
For building work that affects less than 9 m2 de of surface area and which does not modify the architectural layout or structure of the building. The minor construction work permit is issued by the City Council and you have to pay the fixed charges. It is necessary to present a small sketch and a budget for the work. The project need not be drafted by a qualified technical expert.
Mixed interest rate loan
This combines a period of time at a fixed interest rate and another period at a variable rate which changes according to the market.
A real right that guarantees compliance with obligations contracted with a third party – loans, bank drafts, etc. Along with payment of the principal, it guarantees payment of ordinary interest, default interest, costs and expenses arising for an eventual legal claim in the case of non-payment.
Mortgage default penalty
A fixed amount charged when an instalment is not paid.
Mortgage liability
The sum of the concepts guaranteed by the mortgage: the capital loaned (principal), normal interest and default interest, legal costs, expenses, etc. The expenses for formalising a mortgage are calculated using this quantity.
Multi-risk insurance policy
Guarantees cover for damages that affect the property.
Multifamily dwellings
Housing that is part of a property with more than one dwelling.
Municipal Added Value Tax
Former denomination of the capital gains tax on landed property.