These grants are for property owners who wish to implement measures to increase the energy efficiency of their habitual residence.
Sustainable, efficient dwellings
Refurbishment to increase the energy efficiency of a dwelling
These grants are for owners of property who wish to implement measures to increase the energy efficiency of their habitual residence, such as modification of doors, changes to windows or changes to climate control systems that replace fossil fuels with renewable energy or biomass.
Besides the energy savings in household consumption that such measures entail, they will contribute to mitigation of the effects of climate change and to building a more sustainable country.
Would you like to know how to apply for housing refurbishment grants?
These dropdowns explain the requirements and process to apply for these grants.
Owners, beneficial owners and tenants of dwellings.
Grants for energy efficiency measures or improvement works in single household dwellings or belonging to multi-household buildings.
- Measures to be grant-supported must have commenced after 1 February 2020.
- Grants may not be awarded for measures involving investment in boilers that use fossil fuels, although such Systems may be included in the project or final energy certification.
- Dwellings for which grants are sought in this programme must be the habitual permanent dwellings of their owners, beneficial owners or tenants at the time of submission of the relevant application.1
- The period for carrying out of works may not exceed 12 months from the date of award of grant and must end before 30 June 2026.
Compatibilities and Incompatibilities
- These grants can be combined with other public funding for the same purpose, provided total support does not exceed the total cost of any scheme and the rules for such other grants so allow.
- These grants may be combined with any other public funded support from European Union funds for different measures.
- These grants may be combined with grants under Programme 1, Grants for measures for neighbourhood restoration, and Programme 3, Grants for measures to refurbish buildings, open for applications at the same time, provided it can be shown that the same cost is not being supported by two or more grants.
Amount and term of the request
The minimum cost of measures is €1,000. The value of the grant is 40% of the cost of works up to a maximum of €3,000.
Municipal complementary subsidy:
- In the case of buildings located in acoustically stressed areas according to the 'Plan of Measures against Noise Pollution 2022-2030' of Barcelona, the maximum amount of aid may be increased by €500 per dwelling.
Application for these grants can be made up to 30 June 2026 or until all available funds have been allocated.
You can consult the necessary documentation in the Call for rehabilitation grants from the Barcelona Housing Consortium, or in the direct download links for each of the documents, which are found below (More information):
More information
- Checklist for Technical-Administrative Suitability Documentation (CAT)
- 2.CAPPU. Certificate of the Agreement of Sole Owners (CAT)
- 3.STB. Request for Bank Transfer for Payments to the Barcelona Housing Consortium (CAT)
- 4.SCDCS. Request for Assignment of the Right to Collect Subsidies (CAT)
- 5.DRAE. Declaration of State Aid for the Application for Subsidies under the RTR Plan - Program 4 (CAT)
- 6.RCO. Summary of Refurbishment Work Costs (CAT)
- 7.1.DACISOL. Declaration of Absence of Conflict of Interest (DACI) (CAT)
- 7.2. Responsible Declaration of Existence and Effective Implementation of an Organization and Management Model to Prevent Crimes
- 7.3. Declaration of Data Transfer and Processing in relation to the Execution of Recovery Plan Actions... (PRTR) (CAT)
- 8.CFO Notification of Work Completion and Expense Justification with Annex (CAT)
- 10.ASDOO. Authorization to Request Data from Official Organizations (CAT)
- 11.CIO. Notification of Start of Refurbishment Work (CAT)
- S1.SP4. Application for Subsidies for the Refurbishment of Housing Interiors (CAT)
- S2.DRP4 Responsible Declaration of Compliance with Program 4 Requirements for the Refurbishment of Housing Interiors (CAT)
Other informations
Grants may be awarded for:
- Reductions in total annual demand for heating and colling of at least 7%.
- Reduction in consumption of non-renewable primary energy of at least 30%.
- Where construction elements of the thermal envelope are modified or replaces and meet the limit values of thermal transmittance and air permeability in Tables 3.1.1.a and 3.1.1a of Building Code DB HE-1.
- In all cases of reductions in demand or consumption, comparisons will be based on the Energy Efficiency Certificate in place prior to measures being implemented and the Certificate issued subsequent to measures being implemented.
Additional resources
- Extension of the deadline for submission of applications to 30 June 2026 (CAT)
- Extension of the deadline for submission of applications to 31 December 2024 (CAT)
- Extension of the call for proposals under Regulation (EU) 2021/241 European Parliament and Council, 12 February 2021
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU-NextGenerationEU for restoration of the La Pau neighbourhood
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU-NextGenerationEU for restoration of the Canyelles neighbourhood
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU-NextGenerationEU for restoration of the Trinitat V neighbourhood
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by EU-NextGeneration for restoration of the Congrés-Indians neighbourhood
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU-NextGeneration for restoration of the Can Peguera neighbourhood
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU-NextGeneration for restoration of the Besòs neighbourhood
- Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU-NextGenerationEU for restoration of ERRP areas