The purpose of this programme is to support the widespread adoption of the current Building Book for refurbishment through grants that cover part of the costs of professional fees for the issue of the reports and of drawing up detailed proposals for the overall refurbishment of buildings.
The Book that tells you the condition of a building
This grant programme is for ownership associations for residential buildings constructed before 2000 and who wish to prepare a Building Book or refurbishment proposals.
A Building Book is a technical report that describes the characteristics of a building and tells owners how a building should be used and maintained to extend its useful life and stop it from deteriorating. The report also describes the steps to achieve the required increases in energy efficiency.
EU Next Generation funds meet part of the costs of this diagnostic report incurred by owners who show that they wish to carry out refurbishment or restoration works.
Would you like to know how to apply for Building and Project Book preparation’s grants?
These dropdowns explain the requirements and process to apply for these grants.
Ownership associations and owners of single or multiple4 household buildings.
Application for technical inspection of the building has been approved or is in train.
Grant to encourage the widespread adoption of the current Building Book for restoration or refurbishment and the carrying out of whole-building refurbishments in order to boost demand for high-quality energy projects of material size.
Works must be completed by 30 June 2026.
Requirements for buildings:
- Be completed before 2000.
- At 50% of the built surface area above ground level, excluding the ground floor and any lower floors if they have uses other than residential use, is residential.
- Have submitted to the Housing Agency of Catalonia (AHC) an application for a certificate of suitability within no more than 4 months following the issue of a Report of Technical Inspection of a Building (IITE) and prior to the grant application.
Compatibilities and Incompatibilities
These grants can be combined with other public funding for the same purpose, provided that the aggregate of all grants and other publicly funded support does not exceed the total cost.
These grants may be combined with any other support funded by European Union funds for different measures.
The current Building Book for restoration or refurbishment may be combined with grants under Programme 1, grants for neighbourhood restoration measures, or Programme 3, grants for restoration of buildings, for which Applications may be submitted at the same time. In that case, if a grant is awarded under this Programme, the value of the grant will be calculated after deduction of any grant under Programmes 1 or 3. These grants may also be combined in the case of single household dwellings with Programme 4, grants for measures to increase energy efficiency in dwellings, provide an application for an ITE has been submitted.
Amount and term of the request
The maximum amount of the subsidy for the Books of the Existing Building for Renovation will be obtained as follows:
- For single-family houses and multi-family houses with up to 20 flats: 700 euros, plus an amount of 60 euros per flat.
- For blocks of flats with more than 20 flats: 1,100 euros, plus 40 euros per apartment, with a maximum grant of 3,500 euros.
- The possibility of increasing the aid will not be applied due to the absence of the technical inspection of the building (ITE) and the report of the technical inspection of the building (IITE) provided for in the last paragraph of article 53.1 of Royal Decree 853/2021.
In the case of technical projects for the complete renovation of buildings, the maximum amount of the subsidy will be as follows
- In the case of single-family dwellings and multi-family dwellings with up to 20 dwellings: 4,000 euros plus an amount of 700 euros per dwelling.
- For multi-family buildings with more than 20 dwellings: 12,000 euros plus 300 euros per apartment, with a maximum grant of 30,000 euros.
- The amount of aid may not exceed the total cost, excluding taxes. However, VAT or equivalent indirect taxes may be considered eligible, provided that they are not subject to total or partial recovery or compensation.
Applications can be submitted for these grants until 30 June 2026 or until all available funds have been used up.
You can consult the necessary documentation in the Call for renovation grants from the Barcelona Housing Consortium, or in the direct download links for each of the documents, which are found below (More information):
More information
- Checklist for Administrative Suitability Documentation (CAT)
- 1.CARJP. Certificate of the Meeting Minutes of the Homeowners' Association (CAT)
- 2.CAPPU. Certificate of the Agreement of Sole Owners (CAT)
- 3.STB. Request for Bank Transfer for Payments to the Barcelona Housing Consortium (CAT)
- 4.SCDCS. Request for Assignment of the Right to Collect Subsidies (CAT)
- 5.DRAE. Declaration of State Aid for the Application for Subsidies under the RTR Plan - Program 5 (CAT)
- 7.1.DACISOL. Declaration of Absence of Conflict of Interest (DACI) (CAT)
- 7.2. Responsible Declaration of Existence and Effective Implementation of an Organization and Management Model to Prevent Crimes
- 7.3. Declaration of Data Transfer and Processing in relation to the Execution of Recovery Plan Actions... (PRTR) (CAT)
- 10.ASDOO. Authorization to Request Data from Official Organizations (CAT)
- S1.SP5. Application for Subsidies for the Refurbishment of Residential Buildings (CAT)
- S2.DRP5. Responsible Declaration of Compliance with Program 5 Requirements for the Refurbishment of Residential Buildings (CAT)
Other informations
Measures eligible for grant support:
Widespread adoption of the current Building Book for restoration or refurbishment under Paragraph 10 of the Grant Award Process opened on 12 February 2021, under the Reovery, Transformation and Resilence Plan, financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
Technical and whole-building refurbishment projects within the stated limits with a view to boosting demand for high-quality energy efficiency schemes of material size under Paragraph of the Grant Award Process opened on 12 February 2021, under the Reovery, Transformation and Resilence Plan, financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
Additional resources
- Extension of the deadline for submission of applications to 30 June 2026 (CAT)
- Extension of the deadline for submission of applications to 31 December 2024 [CAT]
- Extended period - call for grants under Regulation (EU) 2021/241 European Parliament and Council 12 February 2021 [CAT]
- Council of Associations of Quantity Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Catalonia [ES]
- Architects’ Association of Catalonia
- College of Property Administrators of Barcelona-Lleida [ES]