On this page, you will find all the financial assistance for rent payment that the City of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia offer. You can check the requirements, terms and amounts of the different types of aid that are available.

Rent payment subsidies for persons aged 65 and over
Addressees: Persons aged 65 or over with a rent agreement and at risk of social exclusion
Maximum monthly rent: €900 for the house or €450 for the room.
Family income limit: 2.928479 times the IRSC for 2023, except in the case of victims of terrorism.
Administration granting the subsidy: Catalonia Housing Agency

Support for payment of short-term or long-term rent
Recipients: People up to the age between 36 and 64, who are up to date with payment of their rent but struggling to pay
Family income limit: Equal to or less than 2.928479 times the Minimum Living Wage (IRSC)
Maximum monthly rent: €900 (dwellings), €450 (rooms)
Administration that grants the aid: Housing Agency of Catalonia (Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya)

Aid for payment of rent debts
Status: AVAILABLE (can be requested at any time of the year)
Recipients: People with rent debts due to unforeseen circumstances
Family income limit: Between 2 and 3 times the IRSC*, depending on the members of the household
Maximum monthly rent: 800€
Administration that grants the aid: Housing Agency of Catalonia
* IRSC = Adequate Income Indicator of Catalonia, valued at €569.12 per month and €7,967.73 per year

Permanent benefits for the payment of rent
Addressees: Individuals who were already beneficiaries as of the fiscal year 2022, by Order MAH/402/2009, of August 5, who on 12/31/2012 were 65 years of age or older, with a favorable resolution granted in 2010.
Family income limit: 2.35 times the IRSC
Administration granting the subsidy: Catalonia Housing Agency

Benefits for the payment of rental debts: renewal of beneficiaries
Recipients: Persons who had a favorable resolution of the supplementary benefit to provide continuity in the payment of rent or the benefit to address situations of loss of housing
Family income limit: Between 2 and 3 times the IRSC
Administration that grants the aid: Housing Agency of Catalonia

Grants for the payment of rent for private market housing for people in economic and social emergency situations
Recipients: Particularly vulnerable people who are in a situation of economic and social emergency and at risk of residential exclusion
Administration that grants the aid: Catalonia Housing Agency

Grants for the inclusion of housing in the Rental Pool or other social programs
Recipients: Individuals or legal entities who own a free-market housing unit and make it available to the Barcelona Housing Rental Pool or other social programs of the city
Administration that grants the aid: Barcelona Housing Consortium

Municipal aid derived from mediation
Recipients: People with difficulties paying the rent and derived from a mediation process
Family income limit: Between 2 and 3 times the IRSC*
Maximum monthly rent: 970€
Administration that grants the aid: Housing Consortium of Barcelona

Benefits for the payment of rent
Recipients: Individuals residing in Barcelona who are holders of a rental contract for a dwelling located in Barcelona that constitutes their habitual and permanent residence provided they have a low or moderate income that endangers their social integration
Maximum monthly rent: Up to 300€ per dwelling, and a minimum of 20€
Family income limit: 2 times the IRSC in case of persons living alone; 2.5 times the IRSC in case of cohabitation units and 3 times the IRSC in case of disabled or highly dependent persons
Administration granting the subsidy: Barcelona Housing Consortium

Young Rental Voucher
Recipients: Young people between 18 and 35 years old who have a contract for an apartment or room, or are in the process of having one. If they do not have one, they will have to formalize the corresponding contract within 2 months and provide the certificate of cohabitation within 3 months, counting from the notification of the resolution
Family income limit: Between 2 and 3 times the IRSC
Maximum monthly rent: Up to 900€ for dwellings; and up to 450€ for rooms
Administration that grants the aid: Catalonia Housing Agency

Grants for the payment of rent for young people from the 2022 call for proposals
Recipients: Young people up to 36 years of age (included) that come from the 2022 call for proposals and that could not be estimated due to the exhaustion of the corresponding budget line.
Family income limit: Up to 2.97 times the IRSC
Maximum monthly rent: Up to 950€ for dwellings; and up to 450€ for bedrooms
Administration that grants the aid: Catalonia Housing Agency

Grants for the payment of rent for young people 35 years old or less
Recipients: Young people who at the time of application are 35 years of age or younger
Family income limit: 3.05 times the IRSC for the year 2022 (€24,301.58).
Maximum monthly rent: Up to €950 for housing (up to €1,100 for large families, single-parent families and cohabitants with a member with a legally recognised disability and a favourable mobility scale); and up to €450 for rooms.
Administration that grants the aid: Catalonia Housing Agency

Subsidy for the allocation of private market housing to families in housing need
Recipients: Non-profit organisations that own or have a house that they have placed at the disposal of the Barcelona Emergency Board or the ‘Primer la Llar’ service.
Administration granting the subsidy: Barcelona Housing Consortium.