You will find information here on all topics relating to housing in Barcelona
Home equity loan
A contract through which a financial institution opens a line of credit so that loan holders can receive amounts according to their needs. The holder is obliged to repay the amounts received under the terms and conditions agreed between the two parties. In the case of non-compliance by the loan's beneficiary, the financial institution has the mortgage guarantee and becomes the owner of the property. The loan is formalised in a public deed for registration in the Property Registry.
Horizontal division
Function documented in a public deed which divides a building into various independently registered properties, assigning each one a co-ownership coefficient or share in the building as a whole. It is recorded in the Property Registry.
Horizontal property
A building divided into flats and/or commercial establishments with independent access to the street or to a common element. The flat owners share common services and installations. Its functions are regulated by statutes and internal regulations, which determine the use of the dwellings and establishments, the common elements and costs, the governing bodies for the community, the owners' obligations for maintaining the property and regulations for community life and use of common services.
Housing co-operative
An association that brings people together for the common project of building dwellings to house its members. It is formally constituted with its articles of association, registration in the Co-operative Societies Registry and the democratic election of its regulating body. It looks for building sites, drafts projects, negotiates with financial institutions, finds an architect, drafts membership and adjudication agreements, etc.
Housing need
Essential for registering in the Barcelona Social Housing Applicants Registry. This status is not given when the applicant has a social housing property; an adequate unsubsidised dwelling whose price is more than 60% of the value of a 70 m2 dwelling up for general sale in Barcelona; or who has assets whose value exceeds the price of a 70 m2 dwelling up for general sale in Barcelona.
Housing outside urban-planning regulation
Housing that contradicts urban planning regulations, a law, a regulation, a general plan, etc. This may be because of a change in circumstances, due to a change in municipal planning or other regulations, or it could be due to an illegal action.
Housing plan
A municipal plan through which the administration establishes the basic regulations for access to and financing for social housing: the conditions and the maximum prices, the income of beneficiaries and the funding system. It is valid for four years and is complemented by the plans of each autonomous community, which receive state financing assigned through agreements. It also establishes the mechanism for setting interest rates and favours the signing of agreements with financial institutions for conceding loans.
HPO (Habitatge de Protecció Oficial)
"Officially protected" or social housing. Housing where the administration regulates the type, the size, and the price, as a condition for the buyers to enjoy certain economic and tax advantages. The buyers have to meet the established conditions, in terms of home ownership, family income, etc.