Status: ACTIVE
Recipients: People and family units that meet the established income requirements.
Administration that grants the subsidy: Government of Spain
Social discount datasheet
A subsidy to protect the most vulnerable consumers
The social discount is applied to the electricity bill. It is regulated by the Government and the objective is to protect those consumers with a low income and/or other vulnerabilities.
It is a discount of either 25% or 40% depending on the consumer’s economic situation.
Related links
- Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6, which regulates the figure of the vulnerable consumer and the social discount
- Royal Decree-Law 30/2020, of September 29, on social measures in defense of employment
- Royal Decree-Law 15/2018, of October 5, on urgent measures for the energy transition and consumer protection
- Energy supply companies of the regulated market in Catalonia that offer the social discount
- Energy Advising Points
Do you need to apply for the social discount?
In these drop-down menus we explain the necessary steps and documents you need to complete the application.
Who can request it?
The social discount must be applied for by the person named on the electricity supply contract. The contract must be with one of the energy supply companies of the regulated market. The companies that offer the social discount in Catalonia are:
- Energía XXI Comercialitzadora de Referencia, S.A. (Endesa Group)
- Comercialitzadora Regulada, Gas&Power, S.A. (Naturgy Group)
- Curenergia Comercializador de Último Recurso, S.A.U. (Iberdrola Group)
- Baser Comercializadora de Referencia, S.A.
- Régsiti Comercializadora Regulada, S.L.U.
- Comercializador de Referencia Energético, S.L.U. (CHC Group)
- Teramelcor, S.L.
- Energía Ceuta XXI Comercializadora de Referencia, S.A.
If you are not the account holder of the electricity contract or if the contract is not with any of the companies in the regulated market, these changes can be requested when applying for the subsidy and the change will be automatic and free of charge with the application of the social discount.
What are the requirements?
To benefit from the social discount, the consumer must meet the following general requirements:
- Have contracted power that is equal or lower than 10kW as a residential customer
- Have chosen one of the tariff rates of Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC).
- Be registered as living in the property that receives the supply.
The income is a determining factor for declaring a situation of vulnerability and to set the amount of the discount. The reference is the IPREM, the public income indicator of multiple effects of the Spanish State. Consult the IPREM here. Depending on this indicator the person or family unit will be considered a vulnerable consumer (accessing a 25% discount), an extremely vulnerable consumer (40% discount).
Vulnerable consumer: 25% discount on invoice
To be eligible for the 25% discount on invoice, the following specific requirements must be met:
Family units with no dependent minors: with an annual income equal or lower than 1.5 times the IPREM.
- With a 33% disability: with income equal or lower than 2 times the IPREM.
- Victims of domestic violence or terrorism: with income equal or lower than 2 times the IPREM.
- With a II or III degree of dependence: with income equal or lower than 2 times the IPREM.
Family units with a dependent minor: with income equal or lower than 2 times the IPREM.
- With a 33% disability: with income equal or lower than 2.5 times the IPREM.
- Victims of domestic violence or terrorism: with income equal or lower than 2.5 times the IPREM.
- With a II or III degree of dependence: with income equal or lower than 2.5 times the IPREM.
- Single parent family: with income equal or lower than 2.5 times the IPREM.
Family units with two or more dependent minors: with income equal or lower than 2.5 times the IPREM.
- With a 33% disability: with income equal or lower than 3 times the IPREM.
- Victims of domestic violence or terrorism: with income equal or lower than 3 times the IPREM.
- With a II or III degree of dependence: with income equal or lower than 3 times the IPREM.
- Single parent family: with income equal or lower than 3 times the IPREM.
Large families: all without exception
Pensioners: when all the members of the family unit receive the minimum pension (retirees, people with permanent invalidity, etc.) and do not receive other income that exceeds € 537 / month, that is, they have an annual income equal to or less than 1 time the IPREM (€ 7519.19 / year)
Extremely vulnerable consumer: 40% discount on invoice
To be eligible for the 40% discount on invoice, the following specific requirements must be met:
- People or family units: with income equal or lower than 50% of that required of vulnerable consumers (25% discount).
- Large families: with income equal or lower than 2 times the IPREM.
- Pensioners: when all the members of the family unit receive the minimum pension (retirees, people with permanent invalidity, etc.) and do not receive other income that exceeds € 537 / month, that is, they have an annual income equal to or less than 1 time the IPREM (€ 7519.19 / year
All of these thresholds will be increased by 0.5 times the IPREM in cases where a family member is in one of the special circumstances.
How can the application be processed?
The social discount application process can be done directly with the energy supply company of reference and can be completed in various ways:
- Online, filling in the necessary online forms.
- Via e-mail, attaching a copy of the application and required documentation.
- In person, completing the application and presenting all the required documentation at the nearest branch.
- By post, completing a hard copy of the form and sending it with the requested documentation to the energy supply company’s address.
You may consult the energy supply companies of the regulated market in Catalonia that offer the social discount and their contact information and link to the form by clicking here.

What documentation must be presented?
- Completed social discount application form: available at company offices or on the website (see table). It must be signed by all the members of the family unit over 14 years old.
- Electricity bill.
- Account holder identity document.
- Identity documents of all the members of the family over 14 years old, if applicable.
- The Family Book (if available) or failing that a Proof of Identity and Life and Civil Status Certificate for every member of the Family Unit: a copy of this Certificate can be requested from the Civil Registry Office. An appointment is not necessary.
If the interested party cannot go to the Civil Registry Office, another person can do the application. This person must accredit their identity with the relevant document (identity document, foreigner’s identity document or passport) and must provide the original and copy of the identity document of the interested party and a medical certificate. These medical certificates must have a maximum age of 15 calendar days, the medical certificate must have the date, stamp and signature of the doctor - Account holder registration certificate. If the account holder is part of a family unit, the joint or individual certificate(s) of all the members of the family unit must be presented. The document or registration can be requested at the Citizens’ Services Offices. Book an appointment by calling 010 or via Internet by clicking here.
- Certificate of special circumstances, if applicable. This can be requested from the Energy Advice Point in your district.
- Special circumstances are understood to be when the consumer or one of the members of the family unit has a recognised disability equal or greater than 33%; the condition of being a victim of domestic violence is accredited; they are a victim of terrorism; they are in a situation of recognised dependence of degree II or III.
How long is the social discount valid for?
The social discount is included on the first bill after applying for it, or if the bill arrives within 15 days of the application, the subsidy will be immediately applied to the next. It lasts for two years, as long as the requirements continue to be met during this period. Once the two years have passed, it must be renewed.
How is the social discount renewed?
Normally the company notifies the expiry date of the rate subsidy and it recommends starting the renewal one month before it expires, gathering again all the documentation as if you were applying for it for the first time. The expiry date of the social discount appears at the top of the invoice.
More information
Electricity, water and gas are a basic right which everyone enjoys guaranteed access to. This is stated in the Act, which bans companies from cutting off supplies to vulnerable households and obliges them to maintain their services for as long as the situation of financial difficulties lasts. If you can’t afford to keep a comfortable temperature at home or to use running water, contact an Energy Advising Points, a Barcelona City Council service.