Recipients: Persons who had a favorable resolution of the supplementary benefit to provide continuity in the payment of rent or the benefit to address situations of loss of housing
Family income limit: Between 2 and 3 times the IRSC
Administration that grants the aid: Housing Agency of Catalonia
Protection for tenants
The Catalan Housing Agency provides subsidies to help people who cannot pay their rent or who have lost their home. All those people who have obtained one of these subsidies can request a renewal for a period of twelve months. It can be renewed annually for a maximum of 24 more months.
What do you need to know to apply for aid?
In these dropdowns, you will find the requirements and the steps to follow to apply for this assistance.
These are the people who had a favorable resolution of the supplementary benefit to give continuity to the payment of rent or the benefit to address situations of loss of housing, obtained under Resolution TES/1969/2019, of July 12.
Application period
The renewal application can be submitted 3 months before the end of the initial benefit granted. If this period includes the month of August, the deadline will be extended by one month.
In the information below you will find marked with an asterisk (*) those documents that can be consulted and that, therefore, it will not be necessar
- DNI / TIE / Certificate of Registration of Citizens of the European Union of the applicant and of all the members that integrate the cohabitation unit (*).
- Certificate of cohabitation updated to the date of presentation of the application, that accredits the residence in the housing of all the people that integrate the unit of cohabitation (*)
- The certificates of disability or, in its case, of reduced mobility that exceeds the degree of 33% of any of the members of the familial unit or the certificates of people with great dependency. People who have a Social Security pension for permanent disability in the degree of total, absolute, or great disability or who have a pension of passive classes recognized by retirement or retirement for permanent disability for the service or uselessness, are considered affected by a disability in a degree equal to 33% for all purposes, and the document that accredits this circumstance is the resolution of the INSS or passive classes. Therefore, it is not necessary to request the recognition of disability. (*)
- Cadastral certificate or a simple note of the property registry that accredits that none of the members of the familiar unit is the owner of a house. (*)
- Report of working life issued by the Treasury of the Social Security, relating to the applicant and all persons of working age who are part of the living unit. (*)
- In the case of unemployed persons, a certificate from the labor office certifying the amount received during the last six months before the submission of the application. (*)
- In the case of pensioners, certificates issued by the paying agencies, accrediting the amount to be received during the current year. (*)
- Responsible declaration of the applicant, regarding if other public or private aids have been requested or obtained for the same purpose, stating the detailed list of the entities that have granted the aids and the amount requested and obtained, if applicable (included in the application form).
- Responsible declaration of the applicant regarding the fulfillment of the requirements established in the resolution (included in the application form).
- A social report issued by the municipal social services of primary or specialized social care.
- The rental, assignment, sublease contract, or any enabling legal title that accredits occupancy.
- In case there has been any change in the cohabitation unit, the documentation that accredits it (family book, judicial sentence or separation or divorce agreement, or other equivalent documents).
- Proof of the income of the applicant and each of the members of the living unit of working age. The income must be accredited as follows:
- In the case of employed persons, the last six pay slips before the presentation of the application. If it is not possible to provide all the pay slips because the employment contract has been formalized within six months before the presentation of the application, the employment contract and the pay slips for the months that have been worked will be provided.
- In the case of self-employed workers, the last personal income tax return for the last two quarters or the return for the last fiscal year must be provided.
- A request for bank transfer to be able to make the payment of the benefit in the name of the applicant, signed by that person and with the diligence of conformity of the banking organization.
- All rent receipts are paid by bank transfer, direct debit receipt, deposit in account, or receipt issued by the administrator or by the owner, of the housing for which the benefit is requested, until the date of presentation of the application.
The Housing Agency of Catalonia, local housing offices, housing exchanges, and entities that have signed an agreement with the Agency may request, directly or through the entities collaborating in the management of these benefits, additional documentation to expand their knowledge of the application submitted.
- Have a legal residence in Catalonia
- Prove the urgency and special need of the applicant's cohabitation unit by providing a socioeconomic report from the primary or specialized social services, proposing the granting of the benefit for these reasons and because the family unit is in one of the situations of risk at residential exclusion.
- The applicant must be the holder of a rental contract, of an assignment of use or of a sublease contract regulated in article 8.2 of Law 29/1994, of November 24, on urban leases, of a right of subrogation over a dwelling, by articles 15 and 16 of Law 29/1994, or of any enabling legal title that accredits occupancy.
- To destine the housing to the habitual and permanent residence of the applicant.
- Have an income of the applicant's cohabitation unit not greater than 2 times the weighted income sufficiency indicator of Catalonia (IRSC), in the case of persons living alone; not greater than 2.5 times the weighted IRSC in the case of cohabitation units of two or more members, and not greater than 3 times the weighted IRSC, in the case of persons with disabilities or with great dependency. The weighting of the income will be made according to the coefficients established by the Plan for the right to housing in force. The IRSC tables are those in force for each year, are public, and can be consulted on the website habitatge.gencat.cat.
- To be up to date with the payment of the rent of the housing for which the benefit is requested.
- To pay the rent by bank transfer, direct debit receipt, deposit in the account, or receipt issued by the administrator of the property or by the owner, that accredits the effectiveness of the payment, at least from the month following the date of presentation of the application.
- In all cases it must be stated which monthly payment corresponds to the payment made and, in addition, if the payment system is by a direct debit receipt, the following data must be stated: reference, NIF of the issuer, and suffix.
The benefit is recognized starting from the month following the favorable resolution date and for twelve monthly payments. It can be renewed annually for a maximum of twenty-four additional months, provided that renewal is requested.
The amount of the complementary benefit for the expenses of the rental deposit and access to the housing is established based on the proven expense, with a maximum amount of 800 euros, and can only be granted once.
The complementary benefit to continue paying the rent:
- The amount of the benefit is established at 60% of the annual rent of the housing, with a maximum limit of 2,400 euros per year per household.
Benefits to address situations of loss of housing:
- The amount of the benefit is established at 60% of the annual rent of the housing, with a maximum limit of 3,600 euros per year per household.
The benefit is recognized starting from the month following the expiration of the last favorable resolution.
The benefit is renewed for twelve monthly payments and can be renewed again for a maximum period of twelve months, provided that renewal is requested.
The renewal of the benefits will be formalized annually with the submission of the application through any of the established mechanisms or means, demonstrating compliance with the requirements established in the Resolution.
Other information
Incompatibilities and compatibilities
These benefits are incompatible with any other rental payment assistance managed by the Housing Agency of Catalonia, and with the receipt of other aid, from any public administration or organization for monthly payments of the same year and with the same purpose. When the benefits are intended for different months, the sum of the amounts to be received in the same calendar year cannot exceed 3,000 euros.
The same person can be granted any of the benefits provided in this Resolution, provided that they are intended for different months and the sum of the amounts to be received in the same calendar year does not exceed 3,000 euros.
Payment of the benefit
The benefit payment will be made by ordinary bank transfer to the applicant once it has been proven that they are up to date with payments. The amount can be paid in installments within twelve months following the grant of the benefit.
Ineligibility for benefits
Households where the leaseholder or any other member has any of the following links:
- Marriage or other stable analogous relationship, consanguinity, adoption or affinity, up to the second degree, with the lessor.
- Partners or members of entities that act as lessors.
The applicant or any other member of the household who owns or has a right to use a property, unless they do not have use or enjoyment of it due to separation or divorce, or for any other reason beyond their control, or when the property is inaccessible due to the disability of the owner or any member of the household. It is not considered ownership or usufruct of a property if the right only applies to a proportional part of the property, and has been obtained by inheritance.
Users with a legal entitlement to the properties managed by the Catalan Housing Agency, directly or through other public administrations or non-profit entities.
People who have received an offer to access a public rental housing unit and have not accepted it, except for a justifiable reason, for two years between the date of the refusal and the date of the benefits application.