Details of the aid
Recipients: Young people who are 35 years of age or younger at the time of application.
Maximum monthly rent: Up to €950 for housing (up to €1,100 for large families, single-parent families and cohabitants with a member with a legally recognised disability and a favourable mobility scale); and up to €450 for rooms.
Family income limit: 3.05 times the IRSC for the year 2022 (€24,301.58).
Administration granting the subsidy: Catalonia Housing Agency.
Rental assistance for young people
The Housing Agency of Catalonia grants these subsidies to young people 35 years old or younger, who will contribute to the payment of their rent or assignment of use of a dwelling or a room, with the objective of its maintenance. The aid in question is granted for the year of the call and consists of a maximum amount of €250/month.
This aid is intended for all persons residing in the city of Barcelona, holders of a rental contract, room, or transfer of use and whose home is their habitual and permanent residence in the territory of Catalonia.
Do you want to know how to apply?
In these drop-downs, you can find the requirements and the steps to follow to apply for this aid. Preferably, you can apply through the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya, or in person at the exchanges that are part of the Mediation Network for Social Renting, at local housing offices, at the offices of the Catalonia Housing Agency, and at the headquarters of the entity that owns or manages the housing.
Persons who are holders of a rental contract, room, or transfer of use that constitutes their habitual and permanent residence in the territory of Catalonia, who at the time of making the application are 35 years old or younger, and meet the requirements of the call.
- Be registered in the dwelling at the time of application.
- Have a maximum age of 35 years, inclusive, at the time of application.
- In Barcelona city and its metropolitan area, the rental price of the dwelling may not exceed €950 (€1,100 for large families, single-parent families and cohabitants with a member with a legally recognised disability and a favourable mobility scale), and €450 in the case of renting a room.
- To be up to date with the payment of the rent or assignment price at the time of applying.
- To have the payment of the subsidy domiciled in a financial institution.
- To pay the rent or assignment price of the dwelling or room using bank transfer, direct debit receipt, deposit in the account, Bizum, or receipt issued by the administrator of the property, including the following items: the identification of the payer, the identification of the person receiving the payment and the corresponding monthly payment.
- That the cohabiting unit has a regular source of income to be able to pay the rent and that the annual income of the cohabiting unit is equal to or less than 3.05 times the Sufficiency Income Indicator (IRSC) for the year 2022 (24,301.58 €).
- Not to be subject to any of the prohibition assumptions due to the fact of being a beneficiary of subsidies by article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, and, if applicable, not to have been subject to a revocation procedure of any of the aids established in Royal Decree 42/2022, of January 18, or the previous State Housing Plan, due to non-compliance or cause attributable to the applicant.
- Fulfill the tax obligations with the State and the Generalitat de Catalunya and the obligations with the Social Security.
The following documentation must be submitted with the application:
- Identity documents::
- Valid national identity card (DNI).
- Citizens of the European Union: Valid certificate of registration of citizens of the European Union.
- Non-EU foreigners: NIE and valid Foreigner's Identity Card (TIE).
- Valid national identity card (DNI).
- Proof of income of the applicant and each of the members of the living unit of working age. It will be necessary to accredit them for contributing to the Declaration of the income tax of the natural persons or Certificate of imputations of the State Agency of the Tributary Administration of 2022.
- Family book, if applicable.
- The rental contract or the contract of assignment of use of the dwelling or room in the name of the applicant.
- To accredit the condition of the victim of gender violence, it will be necessary to provide a qualified means of proof by Article 33 of Law 5/2008, of April 24, on the right of women to eradicate gender violence.
- The rent or assignment receipts corresponding to the year of the call paid up to the date of submission of the application.
- Responsible declaration of fulfilling the requirements established in these regulatory bases and of not meeting any of the grounds for exclusion established in regulatory base 4.2.
- Standardized form, or equivalent document, in the name of the applicant, with the bank details of the account where the subsidy is to be paid.
- Document accrediting that the applicant is a foster youth.
- Supporting documentation of meeting the conditions to be eligible for the International Protection Plan in Catalonia, approved by the Government Agreement of January 28, 2014.
- Title of a large family.
- Title of a single-parent family.
- Responsible statement regarding not having requested or obtained other public or private aid for the same purpose.
- Certificate of cohabitation and/or historical certificate of cohabitation that accredits the domicile of the applicant and of the people who form the cohabitation unit.
- Accreditation of the competent department in the matter of social affairs, in the case of people with some disability.
- Certificate of no debts with the State Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT), the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS), and the Tax Agency of Catalonia (ATC).
- Employment record (TGSS).
- The accreditation of the condition of the victim of terrorism or threatened has to be done with the contribution of resolution of the Ministry of the Interior or firm judicial sentence.
- Certificate of receipt of the Guaranteed Income of citizenship..
- Certificate of receipt of the Minimum Vital Income.
The Housing Agency of Catalonia can request, directly or through the collaborating entities in the management of these subsidies, complementary documentation to extend the knowledge of the presented application.
Amount and application period
- Amount: The grant consists of a single payment that will subsidize the annual rent for the year of the call. With a minimum total amount of €240 and a maximum of €3,000, the amount will be:
- 20% of the amount of the annual rental income if the effort to pay the rent is equal to or less than 30% of their income, weighted.
- 30% of the amount of the annual rental income if the effort to pay the rent is more than 30% and less than 40% of their income, weighted.
- 40% of the amount of the annual rental income if the effort to pay the rent is equal to or greater than 40% of their income, weighted, with a maximum limit of €3,000 per year per dwelling, and a minimum of €240 per year per dwelling, when the result of the calculations that determine the amount is less than this amount.
- In case of requesting the subsidy for the payment of rent with a contract signed between January 1 of the year of the call and the date on which the deadline for submission of applications ends, the amount of the subsidy will be for the amount corresponding to the monthly payments included between the month following the effective date of the contract presented at the time of making the application and the month of December of the year of the call, with a maximum monthly amount of 250 euros and a minimum monthly amount of 20 euros.
- Deadline: The grant is awarded for the year of the solicitation.
These subsidies are incompatible with the receipt of other aid from any public administration or public or private entities for the same monthly payments in the same year and the same purpose. In the case of compatible subsidies, the total sum of the amounts to be received in the same calendar year cannot exceed 4,500 euros.
They are also incompatible with the benefits and/or aid for the payment of rent from the Barcelona Housing Consortium, unless the benefit and/or aid for the payment of rent from the Consortium ends within the calendar year of this call and you do not have the option of renewing, according to the call for benefits for the payment of rent from the city of Barcelona, the monthly payments not covered by this aid.
In the case of the beneficiaries of the aid, these subsidies are compatible with the Youth Rental voucher, for persons receiving non-contributory Social Security benefits and for persons receiving a minimum living income. In this case, the sum of the subsidy of the Youth Rental voucher and the rental or assignment subsidy cannot exceed 75% of the monthly amount of the rental or assignment price.
Other information
Eligible income:
- If in the same dwelling, there are several holders of the lease or assignment contract who apply individually for this subsidy, the individual income of each applicant will be taken into account (even if the co-owners do not apply).
- If in the same dwelling, there are several holders of the lease or assignment contract and only one of them applies for this subsidy, the individual income of the applicant will be taken into account.
- If several people live in the same dwelling and the applicant is the only holder of the lease or assignment contract, the income of the cohabitation unit will be taken into account.
- In any of the three cases included in regulatory base 3, in cases of gender violence, only the income or personal income of the applicant must be taken into account, and in the case of rental or assignment of a room, the income of the rest of the people who have their habitual or permanent residence in the dwelling will not be included, and only the income of the lessee or assignee of the room will be considered.
- Exceptionally, income corresponding to the year before the publication of the call (2023) will be taken into account if the working life begins in the fiscal year 2023.