Details of the aid
Recipients: Particularly vulnerable people who are in a situation of economic and social emergency and at risk of residential exclusion.
Administration granting the subsidy: Catalonia Housing Agency
Aid for the payment of rent
The Housing Agency of Catalonia promotes this line of grants for the payment of the rental cost of housing obtained from the private market to be used for people who are in a situation of economic and social emergency, and at risk of residential exclusion.
The aid in question is granted for the year of the call and consists of a maximum amount that may not exceed the rental income agreed in the lease, as well as the average monthly rental price of the municipality where the housing is located. The applicant must be the holder of a rental contract, which must be the applicant's habitual and permanent residence in Catalonia.
Do you want to know how to apply?
In these drop-downs you can find the requirements and the steps to follow to apply for this aid. Preferably, you can apply through the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya, or in case of need, in the local housing offices that collaborate through an agreement with the Housing Agency of Catalonia.
People who are in a situation of economic and social emergency, and at risk of residential exclusion.
The grant in question attends to:
- Cases of the Assessment Board of economic and social emergency situations of Catalonia, and of the local emergency boards, with favorable resolution, and pending rehousing.
- Cases of homelessness, in accordance with the Framework of action for tackling homelessness in Catalonia 2022- 2025, with a favorable report from the homelessness referent of the Basic Area of Social Services.
The beneficiaries must meet the following requirements:
- Not to be subject to any of the prohibition assumptions due to the fact of being a beneficiary of subsidies in accordance with Article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, and not to have been subject to a revocation procedure of any of the aids established in Royal Decree 42/2022, of January 18, which regulates the Good Young Rental and the State Plan for access to housing 2022-2025 or the previous State Housing Plan, due to non-compliance or cause attributable to the applicant.
- To have the payment of the subsidy domiciled in a financial institution.
- Not to pay a monthly rent for the housing higher than the amounts established in base 8.2.
- Fulfill tax obligations with the State and the Generalitat de Catalunya, and obligations with the Social Security.
- To be the holder of a rental contract, under the conditions set forth in base 8.
- Be up to date with the payment of the rents of the rental contract from the signing of the contract until the submission of the application.
- Pay the rent, at least, from the month following the date of submission of the application, by bank transfer, direct debit, direct deposit or receipt issued by the property manager.
In the case of beneficiaries of modality 3.a), and in the event that housing is rented to families with a favorable resolution of the Emergency Situations Assessment Board, who were already residing in the same dwelling being rented, it is necessary that they are subject to an eviction process of this habitual dwelling and that it is accredited that there is a launch date set at the time prior to the formalization of the rental contract.
Individuals must additionally comply with the following requirements:
- To have legal residence in Catalonia.
- To use the rented dwelling as a habitual and permanent residence.
- The applicant's cohabitation unit must maintain the conditions that gave rise to the favorable resolution of the corresponding Emergency Situations Assessment Board.
Legal entities applying for subsidy modality 3.b) must additionally comply with the following requirements:
- A report from the homelessness referent of the Basic Social Services Area will be required as the housing is included in the framework of the 48.1 and 48.2 tab of the program contract, which includes homelessness and the '360o Roof' program for young people between 18 and 25 years of age. In the event that the proposed action is not included in these files will also require a report from the referent of homelessness of the Basic Area of Social Services, as the action is consistent with the adaptation made at the local level of the criteria and strategies approved by the Government in the framework of action to address homelessness in Catalonia and as from that basic area will be carried out the necessary support and social monitoring or that this will be agreed with the social entity that submits the application.
The applicant, together with the application, will have to provide the following documentation:
- Duly signed rental contract for the dwelling, in accordance with the conditions set forth in base 8.
- Paid rent receipts from the signing of the contract until the submission of the application.
- Favorable resolution of the local emergency boards, in case of modality 3.a).
- Documentation related to the eviction process where it is accredited that there is a launch date set at the moment prior to the formalization of the rental contract, in the case of beneficiaries of modality 3.a), and in the case that the dwelling is rented to the family that resides in the same dwelling that is the object of the rental.
- Standardized form in the name of the person or entity requesting the subsidy with the bank details of the account into which the subsidy is to be paid.
Individuals must provide the following documentation:
Documentation to be provided for the entire cohabitation unit:
- Proof of income of the applicant and of each of the members of the living unit of working age, for the 3 months prior to the submission of the application.
- Documentation to be provided for the whole cohabitation unit, in case the applicant expresses his/her opposition to the Administration to consult it telematically.
- DNI/TIE/Certificate of registration of citizens of the European Union in force.
- Certificate of cohabitation updated on the date of submission of the application, proving the residence to the dwelling of all persons.
- The certificates of disability or, if applicable, of reduced mobility exceeding the degree of 33%, of any of the members or the certificates of persons with great dependency. Persons who have a Social Security pension recognized for permanent disability in the degree of total, absolute or great disability or who have a pension of passive classes recognized for retirement or retirement for permanent disability for the service or uselessness, are considered affected by a disability in degree equal to 33% for all purposes, and the document that accredits this circumstance is the resolution of the INSS or passive classes.
- Cadastral certificate or simple note from the Land Registry proving that none of the members of the cohabitation unit is the owner of a home.
- Report of working life, issued by the General Treasury of the Social Security, for all persons of working age.
- In the case of unemployed persons, a certificate from the labor office certifying the amount received during the last month prior to the submission of the application.
- Favorable resolution of the Assessment Board of economic and social emergencies in Catalonia.
- Title of large family, if applicable.
- Single-parent family status, if applicable.
- Certificate of no debt with the State Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT), the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) and the Tax Agency of Catalonia (ATC).
- Valid certificate of occupancy.
- If applicable, certificate of public pensions received or of the guaranteed income or of the minimum living income.
Legal entities must provide the following documentation:
- Documentation proving that it is a non-profit organization, legally constituted and registered in the corresponding registry.
- Duly signed contract of assignment of use or similar, in accordance with the conditions set forth in base 9.
- Report of the referent of the basic area of social services where the dwelling is located, in the case of modality 3.b).
- Documentation to be provided, in the event of opposition to the Administration consulting it telematically:
- Certificate of no debt with the State Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT), the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) and the Tax Agency of Catalonia (ATC).
- Favorable resolution of the Assessment Board of economic and social emergency situations of Catalonia. c) Valid habitability certificate.
The Housing Agency of Catalonia may request additional documentation to expand the information on the application submitted.
Amount and application period
The maximum amount of the grant may not exceed any of the following amounts:
- The rental income agreed in the lease, according to base 8.2.
- The average monthly rental price of the municipality where the property is located, published by the Agency () or the average reference housing rental price index, if this is higher than the average monthly rental price, for those municipalities where the reference housing rental price index can be consulted, which can be consulted on the housing website.
In the case of beneficiary individuals, the amount corresponding to 10% of the weighted income of the cohabitation unit, if below 0.89 of the sufficiency income indicator (IRSC), or 12% of the weighted income of the cohabitation unit, if below 0.95 of the IRSC, or 18% of the weighted income of the cohabitation unit, if equal to or above 0.95 of the IRSC, shall be deducted from the amount of the subsidy, according to the income established in base 12. 2.1 a.
The weighting of income will be made according to the coefficients established by the Plan for the right to housing in force. The tables of the IRSC are those in force for each year, are public and can be consulted on the website of the Housing Agency of Catalonia.
For beneficiary legal entities, the amount corresponding to the rent established in the contract of assignment of use or similar formalized with the recipients will be deducted from the amount of the subsidy.
Deadline: In the call for applications charged to the budget of the Housing Agency of Catalonia for the year 2025, as an anticipated expense, the deadline for submission of applications begins on January 2, 2025 and ends on September 30, 2025 (at 14:00:00 h), inclusive.
The subsidy is granted for the year of the call. For persons holding rental contracts signed between January 1 of the year of the call and the date on which the deadline for submitting applications ends, the subsidy will be granted for the monthly payments included between the month following the effective date of the contract presented at the time of making the application and the month of December of the year of the call, inclusive.
Renewals of previous calls are also granted for the year of the call.
Only in the case of rental contracts from the 360 program that have been formalized during the year 2023, the amount of the subsidy corresponding to the 2023 call will include all the monthly rental payments made during the year 2023.
This subsidy is renewable for successive annual payments according to the budgetary allocations of each fiscal year, up to the maximum duration of the mandatory extensions of the contract, as established in article 9 of Law 29/1994, of November 24, on urban leases, provided that the renewal is requested and the conditions for its collection are maintained during this period and in accordance with the renewal procedure established in each budgetary year.
These grants are incompatible with:
- Documentation proving that it is a non-profit organization, legally constituted and registered in the corresponding registry.
- Subsidies and benefits for the payment of rent that the Housing Agency of Catalonia grants with other lines of aid or, if applicable, renews for the same year.
- The subsidies that the Housing Agency of Catalonia grants to the entities that make up the local administration for housing that is part of the rental housing fund for social policies.
- The aid that the Housing Agency of Catalonia approves annually for municipalities with housing that is part of the Social Insertion Housing Network.
Other informations
Eligible items
The amount of the rent of the housing obtained from the private market will be eligible for subsidy, according to the maximum amounts of the subsidy foreseen in base 10.
For the purposes of this subsidy, the following items are considered to be part of the amount of the rent: rent, rent arrears, amounts corresponding to the repercussion of improvement works, real estate tax (IBI) and the garbage collection service fee.
Amounts that may correspond to the rental of annexes such as parking spaces, storage rooms or similar will not be eligible for subsidy.
Grant application
In the case of individuals, applications and other formalities associated with the subsidy award procedure, as well as the documentation related to the justification, can be formalized:
- Preferably, through the web of Procedures of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the standardized application form is available in the section Procedures of the web of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which, once filled in, must be submitted electronically together with the required documentation through this same web.
- To the Local Housing Offices that collaborate through an agreement with the Housing Agency of Catalonia. In the event that there is neither a stock exchange nor a housing office in a given territorial area, applications can be submitted to the offices of the services of the Agency mentioned in each demarcation.
- To the Housing Agency of Catalonia, by the means established in article 25 of Law 26/2010, of August 3, and article 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.
In the case of legal entities, applications and other formalities associated with the grant award procedure, as well as the documentation related to the justification, must be formalized exclusively electronically in the electronic registry of the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the formalities portals indicated below, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14.2 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the administrative procedure of public administrations:
- In the case of any public administration, commercial company majority owned by several public administrations, or public company, through the extranet of the public administrations of Catalonia (EACAT). The application form, as well as information on this procedure, is available to applicants at EACAT.
- In the case of private entities, the standardized application form is available in the Procedures section of the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which, once completed, must be submitted electronically along with the required documentation through the same website.
- Only one dwelling may be submitted for each grant application. If you have more than one eligible dwelling, you must submit as many applications as you have dwellings.
Payment of the subsidy
In the case of the beneficiary individuals, the payment will be processed upon presentation of the paid rent receipts.
In the case of beneficiary legal entities, payment will be processed upon presentation of the quarterly supporting account or, if applicable, the declaration of responsibility indicated in the third and fourth paragraphs of base 17.
The payment of the subsidy is made by ordinary transfer and the remainder is subject to budget availability and to the verification by the Agency that the beneficiary is up to date with the payment of the rent receipts.
Before recognizing the obligation of payment, the investigating body must verify ex officio whether the beneficiary is up to date with tax obligations with the State and the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as with Social Security obligations.