Details of the aid
Recipients: Non-profit organisations that own or have a house that they have placed at the disposal of the Barcelona Emergency Board or the ‘Primer la Llar’ service.
Administration granting the subsidy: Barcelona Housing Consortium.
Subsidy for the allocation of private market housing to families in housing need
The Barcelona Housing Consortium has launched a call for proposals for grants to be awarded to private sector housing organisations for the accommodation of people in a situation of economic and social hardship and at risk of housing exclusion.
These grants replace the old agreements with the organisations and their aim is to give an impetus and increase the number of social housing in the city to offer a solution to citizens who do not have access to decent housing or who are at risk of losing it.
More information
- Application for modification of dwellings in the Relinquishment Programme (CAT) (PDF 104.34 KB)
- Subsidy bases published in DOGC (CAT) (PDF 787.42 KB)
- Call for the subsidy published in DOGC (CAT) (PDF 174.50 KB)
- Grant application (CAT) (PDF 312.15 KB)
- Bank transfer request (CAT) (PDF 226.51 KB)
- List of houses (CAT) (XLSX 288.01 KB)
What do you need to know to apply for this grant?
You can find the requirements and steps to apply for this support in these drop-down menus.
Non-profit organisations that are the owner or holder of a transfer contract or similar, as the entity that has the right of use of a dwelling located in the city of Barcelona, and that make or have made it available to the Barcelona Emergency Board or the ‘Primer la Llar’ service of the Municipal Plan for Attention to People in a Situation of Homelessness.
- Be the owner or holder of a contract of conveyance or similar, as an entity holding the right of use, of a dwelling.
- Not to pay a fee or rent for the transfer of the monthly use of the home in excess of the amounts set out in Regulatory Base 7.
- Having transferred the use of the dwelling by means of a contract in accordance with article 3.2 of Law 29/1994, of 24 November, on Urban Leases, or having expressed the will to transfer it by means of a responsible declaration, to be used to satisfy the need for temporary accommodation in the exercise of a caring activity.
- Have the grant collection placed in a financial institution.
- Not to be subject to any of the prohibitions on being a beneficiary of the subsidies provided for in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, and, where applicable, not to have been the subject of a procedure for the withdrawal of any of the subsidies provided for in Royal Decree 42/2022, of 18 January, or in the previous State Housing Plan, for failure to comply with them or for any reason attributable to the applicant.
- Be up to date with your tax obligations to the State and the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as your social security obligations.
- Be up to date with payment obligations for grant repayments.
- Fulfil the other requirements to be a beneficiary of a subsidy established by Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, and by the Revised Text of the Law of Public Finances of Catalonia, approved by Legislative Decree 3/2002, of 24 December.
Types of grants
The grants covered by these regulatory bases are awarded through non-competitive public competition and are granted to the beneficiary organisation for each dwelling indicated in the standardised model of the list of dwellings that meet the requirements of these bases.
These grants are intended to address one of the following situations:
- Housing that is or has been made available to the Emergency Board for allocation to people who are in a situation of social and economic distress and who have been designated by the Barcelona Emergency Board.
- Housing to combat homelessness, provided by the ‘Primer la Llar’ service of the Department of Individual Housing Services and Programmes (DSPAI), on the proposal of the services of the Municipal Plan for the Care of the Homeless in Barcelona.
Both modalities will include:
- A subsidy to cover the difference between the fee or rent of private market housing, intended to facilitate access to housing for people in a situation of social and economic hardship and at risk of housing exclusion, and the rent that should be paid by cohabitants..
- A grant to cover the costs of managing and maintaining private housing intended to facilitate access to housing for people in a situation of social and economic hardship and at risk of housing exclusion. This grant may not exceed €4,000 per year in the case of Emergency Board housing and €1,900 in the case of housing intended to combat homelessness.
Amount and application period
Duration: 4 years.
24 million euros will be allocated between 2024 and 2027 (6 million euros each year).
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
A) In relation to the non-profit organisation:
- Standard form of bank details for the payment of the grant, in the name of the applicant organisation, signed by it and with the due diligence of the banking institution, or equivalent document in the name of the applicant organisation certifying its ownership of the bank account in which the grant will be received.
- List of dwellings according to a standard model, which must indicate whether the dwelling is already subject to a temporary or similar rental contract for assistance purposes.
- Standard model declaration of responsibility signed by the requesting organisation.
- Documentation showing that it is a non-profit organisation, legally constituted and registered in the appropriate registry.
- Certificate of good standing with the State Tax Agency and the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as social security obligations.
B) In relation to each of the homes included in the list of homes:
- Simple registration or public deed proving ownership of the home, if applicable.
- Assignment contract or similar, duly signed, if applicable.
- Temporary or similar lease contract for assistance purposes.
- Current certificate of habitability.
- Report from the Barcelona Emergency Board stating that the person holding the temporary or similar rental contract for assistance purposes has obtained a favourable decision on the allocation of housing.
- Report issued by the homelessness officer of the Basic Social Services Area stating that the person who has a temporary or similar tenancy contract for assistance purposes has received a favourable decision on the allocation of housing.
Deadline for submission
Ends on 30 September 2024 at 14:30.
Presentation Form
Telematics only.