The Municipal Institute of Housing and Rehabilitation of Barcelona (IMHAB) promotes innovative solutions to guarantee the right to decent housing in Barcelona. These policies include the promotion of industrialized housing, which reduces the time of execution of works and is more sustainable, and the promotion of co-housing, a formula that creates community living spaces. That is why Barcelona City Council is signing an alliance with the most representative entities of cooperative housing to create a thousand flats in the coming years.
Promotion of co-housing and industrialised housing

Cohousing, a change of model
Cohousing is an alternative to the current model, which allows a community of people to get access to housing by forming a co-operative. Find out more.

Accessible housing with social developers and cooperatives
Barcelona City Council signs an alliance with the most significant cooperative housing organisations to create one thousand flats over the next few years.

Industrialised housing
Industrialised construction enables the construction process to be accelerated, expanded the public housing stock quickly and sustainably.