Details of the aid
Status: AVAILABLE. It can be requested at any time of the year.
Recipients: People with mortgage debts due to unforeseen circumstances.
Family income limit: Between 2 and 3 times the IRSC*
Maximum monthly payment: 900 €
Administration that grants the aid: Housing Agency of Catalonia
* IRSC = Adequate Income Indicator of Catalonia, valued at €569.12 per month and €7,967.73 per year
Aid to prevent emergency situations
Emergency aid for mortgage payment is intended to help people who have missed mortgage payments due to unforeseen circumstances. This aid is intended for people living in Barcelona who have a mortgage for a home that is their habitual residence.
The aim of this aid is to:
- Prevent repercussions due to mortgage non-payment, making it possible for the applicant and the members of his/her household to continue living in the home.
- Prevent social exclusion as a consequence of the loss of housing.
- In the mortgage payment records, if the applicant leaves or loses the home judicially during the processing of this aid, the aid will be denied as the home will cease to be the applicant’s habitual and permanent residence. In cases where the home is lost as the result of a judicial proceeding, specific aid for the loss of housing may be requested.
What do you need to know to apply for this aid?
Read this section to find out about the aid requirements and avoid the risk of losing your home. Requests for emergency aid for mortgage payments can be presented all year at any Housing Office of Barcelona.
These are non-refundable benefits that are granted to people who have incurred mortgage debts due to unforeseen circumstances.
Eligibility requirements
Beneficiaries must comply with the following requirements:
- Reside in Catalonia.
- The applicant must have mortgage debts due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Prove the urgency and special need of the household by means of a socioeconomic report from social services of primary or specialised care, in which the granting of this aid for these reasons is proposed.
- The combined income in the household of the applicant at the time of submitting the application cannot exceed 2 times the weighted Adequate Income Indicator of Catalonia (IRSC, in its Catalan acronym) for a single person household; 2.5 times the weighted IRSC for households of two or more members; or 3 times the weighted IRSC for persons with disabilities or a high degree of dependence (more information presented in the table).
- The home must be used as the habitual and permanent residence of the applicant, and must constitute his or her domicile according to the municipal register.
- Neither the applicant nor any other member of the household can own any home other than that for which the aid is being requested.
- The applicant must be the holder of a mortgage for the home that is his/her habitual and permanent residence.
- The mortgage payments must have been made for at least the 12 months prior to the request for aid.
- The amount of the mortgage payments that the applicant must pay cannot exceed 900 euros per month.
- The amount of aid requested must be sufficient to settle the existing debt and the applicant must be able to continue paying the mortgage from the moment the application is submitted.
- If, while processing the application, debt continues to accumulate, social services can propose an increase of the requested amount through a new socioeconomic report to justify the increase. The proposed increase will be assessed and, if appropriate, may be resolved favourably provided that the total amount of the aid does not exceed the maximum amount of 4.500 euros per year.
- The applicant must prove sufficient income to be able to make the mortgage payments (it must be at least equal to the amount of the mortgage payments).
- Homes from the public and private housing market are eligible for the aid. Homes managed or administered by the Housing Agency of Catalonia and people who have been offered access to a home from the Barcelona Rented Housing Pool and have not accepted it, except for justified reasons, are not eligible.
- Provide a written commitment of the request for the filing of the lawsuit that has been filed, when the applicants are subject to a judicial foreclosure process.

With the application, the following documentation must be submitted:
- Responsible declaration of the applicant, regarding whether other public or private aid has been requested or obtained for the same purpose, and presenting the detailed list of the entities that have granted aid as well as the amount requested and obtained, if applicable.
- Original and photocopy or certified photocopy of the identity card (DNI) or foreigner’s identity number (NIE) of the applicant and of all members of the household. If any member of the household does not have a DNI / NIE, an equivalent identification document must be presented. Newly arrived persons who have obtained a DNI must include the NIE that they had before the DNI on the application.
- Socioeconomic report issued by municipal social services of primary or specialised social care, regarding the situation of the household.
- Certificate of cohabitation proving that the home is the habitual residence of all the people in the household.
- Proof of income of the applicant and of each member of the household that is of working age. Income must be accredited as follows:
- Original and photocopy or certified photocopy of the last three payrolls prior to the presentation of the application.
- In the case of unemployed persons, the certificate/s from the employment office with the amount received during the last three months prior to the presentation of the application.
- In the case of pensioners, the certificate/s issued by the paying body or bodies of the amount to be received for the current year.
- In the case of self-employed workers, original and photocopy or certified photocopy of the last quarterly tax (IRPF) declaration.
- Working life report issued by the Treasury of Social Security for the applicant and all persons of working age in the household. This report must be ordered via the Social Security website or by telephone 901 502 050.
- Certified photocopy of the family record book, if applicable.
- Judicial sentence or separation or divorce agreement, if applicable.
- Certified photocopy of the deed of the home.
- Certificate of the crediting entity stating the name of the owner, the mortgaged property, the date when the mortgage loan was formalised, and the details of the missed payments.
- Standardised bank data form, in the name of the applicant, with the bank account data required in order to make the payment, stamped by the financial entity. In order to avoid going to the financial institution, a document certifying the bank account can be provided, in the case of installment debts, a document accrediting the bank account linked to the mortgage loan deed.
- Certified photocopy of the documentation regarding the foreclosure process, in the event that it has been initiated, and proof of having requested the benefit of free legal aid.
Obtaining data electronically:
When the applicant and the members of the household authorise the managing body to obtain the data necessary for the processing and assessment of the application, it is not necessary to submit the following documentation:
- Certificate of cohabitation that certifies the residence in the home of all people in the household.
- The identity document (DNI), TIE or European Union Citizen Registry Certificate of the applicant and of all members of the household.
- The tax (IRPF) declaration of the applicant and of all people of working age in the household.
- Certificate of payments, in the case of unemployed persons and pensioners.
- Certificate of the degree of disability, if applicable, or of reduced mobility that exceeds the degree of 33% of any of the members of the family unit or certificates of people with great dependency.
- Single parent or large family card, if applicable.
The Housing Agency of Catalonia may request, directly or through the entities collaborating in the management of these benefits, additional documentation to complete their knowledge of the application submitted
Amount and application period
- Aid for mortgage payment: the amount is fixed in accordance with the credited debt. The maximum total amount is 4.500 euros and the aid can be granted for a maximum period of 12 months.
This aid can be requested at any time.
This aid is incompatible with the following lines of aid:
- Maintenance of the basic income for emancipation, obtained in accordance with Royal Decree 1472/2007, of November 2.
- Aid for the payment of the rent as provided by Law 18/2007, of December 28, of the right to housing, when the object is the same monthly payment. When the aid is applied to different monthly payments, the sum of the amounts to be received in the same calendar year cannot exceed 4.500 euros.
- Obtaining subventions for the payment of rent as provided by the Agreement of July 22, 2014, between the Ministry of Development and the Government of Catalonia for the execution of aid lines from 2013 to 2016.
- The same applicant can be granted aid for the payment of rent debts and aid for cases of eviction and the complementary aid for the deposit and payment of a new rented home in the same calendar year, provided that the sum of the different benefits does not exceed the maximum amount of 4.500 euros.
- The granting of this aid does not prevent a non-profit organisation, which has signed an agreement with the Housing Agency, from granting temporary aid to the applicant in advance, with the same purpose. The granting of this aid does not presuppose approval of the aid by the Housing Agency of Catalonia.
- These benefits are compatible with aid from other public administrations for the same purpose, provided that the sum of the different benefits granted does not exceed the amount of 4.500 euros and that they have not been obtained for the same year and for the same monthly payment.
Additional information
Given that this aid is a public subsidy and involves capital income, the beneficiary is obliged to present their personal income tax declaration (IRPF), which must include the amount received.
Payment of the aid will be made through a financial institution.
The aid can be paid directly to the beneficiary or, if it is expressly authorised, to the person who provides a guardianship or mediation service, in favour of which this right may be granted.
More information can be obtained from the website of the Government of Catalonia.