The entity that manages housing in Barcelona
Having access to decent housing is a basic right in a just society. At present market trends are denying part of the population access to decent and affordable housing. In this context it’s vital that public bodies enforce policies to defend their fundamental right.
The Municipal Government is working towards increasing the public housing stock to respond to the residential needs of the population. On one hand, reclaiming empty private properties and on the other promoting the building of new social rental housing. The City Council also wants to guarantee the quality of life of its citizens by boosting the improvement of the housing stock via implementing renovation and energy efficiency measures.
To carry out these policies the city has the IMHAB, the entity responsible for promoting the construction of public housing, managing the available housing stock, and promoting sustainable housing policies such as the renovation of apartments and buildings. As of 2023, the IMHAB manages a housing stock that exceeds 11,500 units in the city, which represents a significant increase compared to the 7,500 apartments registered in 2015. In parallel, the purchase of hundreds of apartments for public rental housing has also been promoted, as well as the launch of new innovation and renovation projects.

More information
IMHAB Services
Organisation Chart

Gerard Capó Fuentes
Manager of Barcelona’s Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation -
Dolors Melero
Secretary of the Board of Directors - Xavier González
Economic and Financial Services / General Services - Isidre Costa
Legal Services, Procurement and Heritage - Juan Carlos Melero
Technical Services - Griselda Fernández
Management Service / Public Stock - to be confirmed
Housing Services / Private Stock
Institutions offering you support


The Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation offices are located at:

Opening hours

Information: From Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 14.00 h. And Thursday afternoons, from 16.00 to 18.00 h.
Payment desk: For anything related to receipts and cash payments, the service hours are on Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1:30 pm, and Thursday, 4 pm to 6 pm (except May 1 to September 30).
On the last business day of the month, the cashier closes at 12:30 pm.
Special schedule: Between the months of May and September, both inclusive, closed in the afternoons.

By phone

- Public attention: 932 915 404
- Maintenance Services : 932 915 411
- Aparcaqui: 932 915 424
- City Council information hotline: 010